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The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts.

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Biomedical Waste Inspection Program

Contact Us

  •  850-595-6700



    Mailing Address

    Downtown Service Center, 1300 West Gregory Street, Pensacola, FL 32502 




The Biomedical Waste Inspection Program is designed to protect the public from risks associated with potentially infectious biomedical waste. This is conducted by regulating the generation, transport, storage, and treatment of biomedical waste through processes other than incineration. The Department of Environmental Protection has primary responsibility for biomedical waste incineration and final disposal. Biomedical Waste Container

The governing authority for this program is Florida Statute 381.0098 and Florida Administrative Code 64E-16.

Any facility that generates, stores, transports or treats biomedical waste are required to apply for a Biomedical Waste Permit in the State of Florida (see definition in Florida Administrative Code 64E-16). These facilities include, but are not limited, to the following: 

  • Dental clinics 
  • Electrolysis clinics 
  • Funeral homes 
  • Hospitals 
  • Laboratories 
  • Medical clinics 
  • Nursing homes 
  • Storage and treatment facilities 
  • Transporters of biomedical waste 
  • Veterinarian clinics 
  • Dialysis clinics 
  • Blood banks 
  • Medical doctors offices  
  • Podiatrists 
  • Home health agencies 
  • Pharmacies 
  • Acupuncture/chiropractic 
  • IV therapy facilities  
  • Body piercing salons 
  • Tattoo establishments  

Permit Applications:

A Biomedical Waste Permit is issued after:

  1. Permit application is submitted to department. 
  2. Payment of fee (fee schedule). 
  3. Completion of a ‘Satisfactory’ inspection with zero violations: 

The inspection process entails, but is not limited to: 

  • Walk-through of facility and locations of where biomedical waste is generated and stored 
  • Proper handling and labeling of biomedical waste 
  • Proper transfer within facility and transport of biomedical waste from facility 
  • Review of biomedical waste records, such as training records, biomedical waste operating plan, and manifests  

All persons employed who handle biomedical waste are required to have initial and annual refresher training.  

Facilities that produce less than 25 pounds in any 30-day period (and can document this for a minimum of one year) can apply for an exemption. Continued documentation of monthly biomedical waste weights are under 25 pounds in any 30-day period is required to remain an exempt facility. 

Guidelines for disposal of home-generated biomedical waste:

Read the Home Sharps Disposal Guidelines for information on how to properly dispose of home-generated biomedical waste. 

Location and Contact Information

Facilities located in Escambia and Santa Rosa counties must contact the Biomedical Waste Inspection office located in Escambia County for permitting.  

Downtown Service Center
1300 West Gregory St.

The Biomedical Waste Inspection office is open Monday - Friday from 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

For more information, call 850-595-6700.

Bill Pay

Environmental Health bills and fees can be paid in person or by mail at the address below or you can visit our bill pay site at