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Death Certificates

Contact Us

  •  850-595-6543

    Mailing Address

    Fairfield Service Center, 1295 West Fairfield Drive, Pensacola, Florida 32501 



The Vital Statistics Office at the Florida Department of Health in Escambia County (DOH-Escambia) issues death certificates for deaths that occurred in the State of Florida from 2009 to present. Orders may be placed in person, by mail, or online through Death certificate fees are $11.00 for each copy. Forms of payment accepted are: cash, money order, debit card, Visa, and MasterCard. Please make payments to DOH-Escambia.

These certificates are issued in the following two formats:

  1. Certified copies with cause of death listed. These copies have restrictions on issuance. Contact DOH-Escambia for information 850-595-6543.
  2. Certified copies without the cause of death listed. No restrictions on issuance.
Florida death certificates can be obtained by:
  1. Immediate family members
  2. Attorney(s) representing immediate family members.
  3. Banks, executors of estates, insurance companies or anyone requiring a death certificate to pay a policy or death benefit on the decedent.
  4. For other issuance conditions, contact DOH-Escambia at 850-595-6543.
An application for an Escambia County death certificate MUST include:
  1. Full name of the decedent.
  2. Date of death.
  3. City or county of death.
  4. Applicant’s relationship to the decedent.
  5. Purpose for the certified copy.
  6. Signature of the applicant.
  7. Mailing address
  8. Copy of valid photo ID (front and back) is required for all requests for certificates with cause of death listed.
  9. The fee ($11.00 for each copy).

If copy is needed with the Cause of Death listed, contact DOH-Escambia for further information at 850-595-6543.

If the death did not occur in Florida:

Visit to order certificates for deaths that did not occur in Florida. 

Amendments to an Escambia County Death Certificate:

If a family member indicates a correction is needed on an Escambia County death certificate, the funeral home will need to be contacted by the family member and the funeral home will begin the correction process.

Location and Contact Information

Fairfield Service Center
1295 West Fairfield Drive

The Birth Certificate office is open Monday - Friday from 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

For more information, call 850-595-6543.