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Drinking Water Program

Contact Us

  •  850-595-6700



    Mailing Address

    Downtown Service Center, 1300 West Gregory Street, Pensacola, FL 32502 




The Drinking Water Program is designed to protect the public from risks associated with contaminated drinking water supplies. Over 90 percent of Florida’s drinking water comes from groundwater supplies. Therefore, several programs have been enacted in Florida to closely monitor our drinking water.

Drinking Water Toxics Program 

  • Private water wells are monitored through a cooperative agreement with the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). This program is designed to protect the public from agricultural chemicals (ethylene dibromide), industrial solvents, radionuclides and heavy metals.
  • DEP identifies the potential hazard to groundwater supplies in a geographical area. The private wells within a specific distance (usually ¼ mile) to the hazardous site are identified as “at risk” for environmental contamination. Little Boy Drinking from Water Fountain
  • Once at risk wells are identified, the well sampling is conducted by our department. 
  • Sample results are reported to the private well owners along with health advisories.
The governing authority for this program is Florida Statute 381.006 and Florida Administrative Code 64E-8(127.44kb; pdf).

At the request of the well owner, bacteria and/or chemical analysis sampling may be conducted for a minimal fee. Please see our Fee Schedule for specific fees.

SUPER Act (State Underground Petroleum Environmental Response Act) 

  • Private and public water wells are monitored through a cooperative agreement with the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). This program is designed to protect the public from petroleum contamination resulting from leaking underground petroleum tanks, petroleum spills or discharges.
  • The same well sampling process stated above is followed for this program.

The governing authority for this program is Florida Statute 376.3071

DSSP (Dry-cleaning Solvent Surveillance Program) 

  • Private and public water wells are monitored through a cooperative agreement with the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). This program is designed to protect the public from harmful solvents used in dry cleaning processes.
  • The same well sampling process stated above is followed for this program.

The governing authority for this program is Florida Statute 376.3078

Location & Contact Information 

Downtown Service Center
1300 West Gregory Street

The Drinking Water office is open
Monday - Friday from 8 AM to 4:30 PM.

Call 850-595-6700 for more information.